Protecting Tutukaka Coast's Biodiversity
TLC protects the biodiversity of the Tutukaka Coast through a range of activities including trapping invasive predators monitoring biodiversity , controlling invasive weeds, enhancing species through kiwi and pāteke reintroduction, as well as through advocacy and education programs such as 'Know Your Dog', Kiwi Aversion Training, and Weed Workshops and presentation at Twilight Markets.
TLC's programs and projects are aimed at preserving the natural habitat of the Tutukaka Coast through a wide range of initiatives. Other than trapping and controlling pest weeds, we provide services that include training for trapping predators and controlling invasive species, support community groups with tools and knowledge, enhancing biodiversity by re-introducing at risk species, and organizing advocacy and educational events.
Animal Pest control. TLC installs and maintains a series of trap lines to reduce or eliminate kiwi key predators—stoats and feral cats.
S.W.A.T., or “Specialist Weed Assistance Team”, is a group of volunteers who regularly control invasive plants to actively preserve the native forests of the Tutukaka Coast.
TLC has reintroduced the Native Brown Teal, Pateke, the fourth most endangered duck in the world. Regular kiwi releases deliver young kiwis into protected pieces of forest along the coast.
Animal Pest control. TLC installs and maintains a series of trap lines to reduce or eliminate kiwi key predators—stoats and feral cats.