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Protecting Tutukaka Coast's Biodiversity
Marohi the kiwi
Meet Marohi whose name means strength, bravery and determination. Marohi was named by kids of Ngunguru School.
Marohi was caught on 27/10/16 on Limestone Island. He had no tps so is presumed to be island bred. His parents would have come from the Purua/Riponui area ie the Doc study blocks and surrounding trapped farmland.
Marohi was less than a year old when released based on his weight and bill length.
One of the kiwi trackers Cam McInnes reports “We haven’t had a signal from her since the 17th of March despite having four trackers and multiple days of dedicated searching. It could be an issue with the transmitter as it was always a very quiet signal and the volume would fluctuate when receiving the info. We’ll keep looking!
Released on 18/11/2016
Located Tawapou Tutukaka
Weight approx. 1kg.
Medium condition.
No bill length recorded
Checked on 7/3/2017
Located near the Tutukaka Quarry within the Tutukaka Pine forest
Weight 1.8kg
Condition Very Good
Bill length 92.2
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